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  • Counselling Code

Master of Business Administration(MBA)

MEX – Management Education and Extended Learning:

Learning beyond Classrooms

In an effort to enhance the learning experience of students, the Department of Management Studies, is looking forward to develop departmental students association. The Departmental Association is named MEX– Management Education and Extended Learning, with an aim to make learning happen beyond classrooms. The intention is to foster environments in which a student-staff interaction can exist, and encourage student engagement in departmental communities of learning.

Key Highlights:

  • All the students are automatically enrolled into Departmental Association. No separate enrollment procedure exists.
  • The staff member will extend advisory role, and the decision making authority rests with the students/governing members of Departmental Association.
  • The office bearers of the Departmental Association will be a nominated members. The nomination committee consisting of Department Advisor for MEX, Class Teachers of All Sections and Two Nominees by The Head of The Department will nominate the student members of the association.
  • The nominated members will discharge their duties and responsibilities during their tenure, which is 1 Year.